Observe Your Body Signals
Observe Your Imbalances
We cannot see our internal organs. However, we can observe the tell-tale signs from the outside.

Which areas do you relate to the most? Make a note of your symptoms. Then we self-care accordingly with the respective element in mind.
What is the relationship between the elements and our health?

An ancient philosophical thought that studies the conceptual characteristics of the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, and uses them to explain the development, changes, and interrelationships of all things in the universe.
In TCM 5 elements, we focus on 5 organs – liver, heart, spleen, lung, kidney.
The organs do not refer to just the organs itself. It refers to the systems surrounding the organs.
Liver – circulation
Heart – cardiovascular
Spleen – digestion
Lung – respiratory
Kidney – reproductive
Traits of the 5 elements (五行)
Classification was done through observations of the elements and organs traits.
WOOD grows; LIVER ensures smooth circulation
木的升发,条达特性 – 肝气的疏泄条达
FIRE is warm; HEART has warming effect
火的温热,升腾作用 – 心阳的温煦作用
EARTH holds and transport the nutrients; SPLEEN holds and transports nutrients
土的承载,生化受纳 – 脾的运化作用
METAL is heavy, ‘kills’; LUNG ‘cleans’ the qi before transporting out
金的沉降,萧杀特性 – 肺主肃降功能
WATER is moisturizing, downward flowing ; KIDNEY works on the body fluid
水的滋润,下行特性 – 肾主水液的功能

5 elements table: relationship between element, yin organ, yang organ, sense organ (Sense), tissue, emotion, taste, and season.
Observe for imbalances and self-care accordingly for better health management.
When you experience issues with your EYES (SIGHT), TENDONS, NAILS, balance your LIVER.
When you experience issues with your TONGUE (SPEECH), FACE, BLOOD VESSELS, balance your HEART.
When you experience issues with your MOUTH (TASTE), MUSCLE, LIPS, balance your SPLEEN.
When you experience issues with your NOSE (SMELL), SKIN (SKIN HAIR), balance your LUNG.
When you experience issues with your EARS (HEARING), BONES, HAIR (HEAD), balance your KIDNEY.
With reference to the 5 elements chart, we can strengthen the respective organ with:
– respective food colour
– respective food taste
– managing respective emotion
– massaging the respective meridians
Application: when you experience dry eyes, you can focus to take care of your WOOD element. You can consume more green leafy vegetables. You can manage your anger and massage acupoints on the liver meridian (e.g. Tai Chong).
Where are the meridians?

Note: These are general observations for simple self-care, for eductional purpose. Do not self-diagnose. Consult a qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner to have a better understanding of your condition and advise appropriately.
More in the E-Book: Learn About Wellness with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in 30 Minutes
Next: Understand Your Body Constitution
Your imbalances are influenced by your TCM Body Constitution. Knowing your constitution allows you to adopt personalised self-care practices that bring your body back into balance.
🔍 Next Step: Take the Body Constitution Questionnaire → Discover Your TCM Type
Next: Create Your Personalised Routine
Incorporate suitable TCM practices for your body constitution into your daily life. Find out the suitable TCM self-care practices for you from the eCourses.