ouch! cares for caregivers
Are you a caregiver?
Caregiving is never easy. Ouch! believes in self-care to provide better care.
Learn simple self-care for yourself & loved ones.
For caregivers, by caregiver

This event is organised by Ouch Pte. Ltd. Lee Hui Fang, in partnership with the Enabling Village.
Enabling Village is the first inclusive community space in Singapore dedicated to integrating persons with disabilities in society. Located in Redhill and managed by SG Enable, it brings together community amenities, lifestyle retail services and inclusive programming for all with a special focus on disability-inclusive training and employment for persons with disabilities.
Ouch! is giving caregivers a free ecourse.
Coming soon!
Ouch! is partnering with SG Assist to offer courses for seniors (age 50 and above) under National Silver Academy (NSA).

It is never only the patient who is in pain. When one family member is sick, the whole family is in pain, financially and emotionally.
My Caregiving Journey

Present on dad’s birthday: diagnosis of stage 4 cancer, colon spread to liver & lung
I’ve always viewed the diagnosis as a present. If dad’s condition was not diagnosed, we would have lost dad much earlier.
I took on the role of primary caregiver, bringing him to the various consultations, treatment and many more.
The caregiving duties affected my work but it is definitely worthwhile. I have no regrets as I was with him throughout till he left…
Here is a small but significant moment in my caregiving journey…
“Have I become slower?” I know what was my dad’s concern. He had been a street-smart quick-witted man. As his health deteriorated, his movements became slower. The usual 10 minutes trip to the supermarket took 50 minutes. He also took longer than usual to reply during conversations.
It pained me to see him deteriorating from cancer. It pained me to see how hard he tried to stay as strong as he could till his very last day.
Dad was very strong, he survived 3 years before leaving us in 2020.
I hope to reach out to 2020 caregivers through Ouch!
Now, I make sure mum stays happy & healthy!
Useful links:
SG Assist: sgassist.com
CaringSG: caring.sg
Agency for Integrated Care: aic.sg
Caregivers Alliance Limited: cal.org.sg
Dementia hub SG: dementiahub.sg
Health Hub: healthhub.sg
Enabling Guide: enablingguide.sg
SG Enable: sgenable.sg