community projects
Ouch! has done many community events for residents, caregivers and seniors.
Sharing simple TCM Self-care with residents on National Day 2024

Partnership with Enabling Village for Caregivers
This series of workshops is organised by Ouch Pte. Ltd. Lee Hui Fang, in partnership with the Enabling Village.
Enabling Village is the first inclusive community space in Singapore dedicated to integrating persons with disabilities in society. Located in Redhill and managed by SG Enable, it brings together community amenities, lifestyle retail services and inclusive programming for all with a special focus on disability-inclusive training and employment for persons with disabilities.

Ouch! is offering SkillsFuture Credits Eligible TCM courses!

Healthy Ageing with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Seniors
12 – 13 Apr 2025, 10 – 11 May 2025 (2nd weekend)
Understand, identify and apply how to age healthily with suitable TCM self-care techniques (acupressure, food therapy, exercise) and relieve various common ailments.
Seniors TCM Self-Care: Must Know for Your Body Constitution
26 – 27 Apr 205, 24 – 25 May 2025 (4th weekend)
Understand, identify and apply how to age healthily with suitable TCM self-care techniques (acupressure, food therapy, exercise) and relieve various common ailments.
Age without pain!
Let's work towards HEALTHSPAN = LIFESPAN!

The seniors are enjoying the bilingual hands on sessions!

Seniors focused topics
Stay Sharp the TCM Way
Prevent dementia, retain cognitive ability by strengthening our KIDNEY
which governs our brains. Bonus: prevent hair loss with stronger kidney.
Relieve your back pain through acupressure massage, simple herbs and exercises.
Improve your sleep with acupressure massage, simple food and qigong exercises.
As we age, our eyes start to deteriorate. Issues like dry eyes, floaters, glaucoma and cataract starts to surface. Simple TCM health
tips to prevent eye deterioration.
Manage 3 Highs the TCM Way
The 3 highs – high blood pressure, high blood sugar (diabetes) and
high cholesterol has become so common. Simple health tips to prevent
and manage these conditions.
More topics available.
Engage your seniors!
Past projects with seniors:
Dec 2023: “Stay Pain Free the TCM Way” for a community event at Mount Faber Zone B and Inner Wheel Club of Singapore East for a group of senior ladies with the oldest being 90!
2021 – 2022: HeritageCares@Home x Health is Wealth by National Heritage Board for various senior activity centres and groups
May – Jun 2019: Wellness with Heritage with My Queenstown for Methodist Welfare Services Senior Activity Centre, Fernvale Rovergrove & Greentops Senior Activity Centre, Golden Lily Senior Activity Centre
Credentials related to working with seniors:
- Specialist Diploma in Gerontology (Nutrition for Ageing Well), Temasek Polytechnic
- Introduction to Geragogy Guidelines, Institute for Adult Learning Singapore
- E.L.S.A.: Engaging Learning, Successful Ageing – Geragogy Innerworks, Institute for Adult Learning Singapore
What my clients say about Ouch! programs for seniors
Audrey Tay, Assistant Manager, Education and Community Outreach, National Heritage Board
"Seniors found the session very informative and enjoyable. Increased their knowledge on improving health and wellness. The tips are really good and the presenter was excellent! The overall response has been really good so far, and we look forward to the upcoming sessions."
Feedback from senior activity centres
Feedback from senior activity centres
Feedback from senior activity centres
Ouch! engage Physician Lin to answer to questions from lovely ladies from Inner Wheel Singapore East (most senior 90 years young!)
acupressure massage + qigong

Ouch! engage Dr Thum to provide TCM consultation for the seniors on Rotary Service Day 2023
Never ending queue…